GalactiCorpz - AutoTile

What's new?

+ Added support for RPG Maker VX style Wall and General tilesets
+ Optimized some code for stability
+ Removed the pesky generate button, and now regenerates automatically when settings change
+ Added support for any size of tileset.
+ Fixed an error when building a project would fail due to editor script referencing.

V1.0 (Initial Release):
+ Added support for 4-bit Bitwise tilesets
+ Custom Editor implemented

Known bugs?

- Sometimes loading a scene does not regenerate autotiles?
+ Solution: Select each autotile and just change a setting in the inspector to regenerate.

- When creating autotile, a warning in the console pops up saying there is no AutoTile script?
+ Solution: Safe to ignore, I will look to fixing it, although it does not pose a threat at the moment.

If you find any bugs, please feel free to report it at any of the channels below and don't forget to check them out for news and upcoming changes:



Exposed Methods and Fields:

Texture2D TileSet
- The tileset to be used for the autotile sprites.

Sprite[] Tiles
- An array of the generated tile sprites.

PPUTypes PPUType
- An enum containing different methods for calculating sprite Pixels Per Unit.

float PixelsPerUnit
- Conditionally used to calculate the autotile sprites pixels per unit, to use, select Custom for PPUType.

TileSetTypes TileSetType
- An enum containing the different types of tilesets supported.

FilterMode filterMode
- An enum for setting the sprite filtermode.

void CheckTileset()
- Checks whether all values are entered correctly, then generates the appropriate sprites for each usage case.


GC_AutoTile.unitypackage 81 kB
Oct 12, 2018

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